Israeli Army Intelligence Corps edition Nasser's Philosophy of Revolution, 1954
Israeli Army Intelligence Corps ("Aman") annotated translation of Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser's treatise "The Philosophy of the Revolution", November 1954. A 51-page paperback booklet presented in the then style (since the late 1930's) of internal Israeli military/police documents: small size (12cm x 16cm), plain and simple text cover. The booklet is entitled "Booklet for Awareness of the Middle East, No. [no number given]"; the word "Restricted" has since been crossed off, and below is written "This booklet is the property of the Israel Defense Forces, General Staff, Intelligence Corps". The booklet, Nasser's ideological blueprint outlining Egypt's leading role in the Arab world, features a sober and balanced - if revealing - preface by the then head of "Aman", Colonel Binyamin Gibli, in which writes: "The image of the Colonel Gamal Abed Al Nasser, the military ruler of Egypt these days, is one of the most fascinating of among the leaders of the Arab states. It has a lot of elements which are not usual in leadership as contrasted with the old school: a degree of youth, fervor, emotion, and a sincere ambition for social improvements. With that, Abed Al Nasser serves - through his own personality - as a symbol for the misgivings which characterize the younger generation which today rules in a few of the Arab states. Emotion and logic serve him in a mixed form: an extreme sense of righteousness together with prejudices; religion and secularism. It won't be surprising therefore that these internal contradictions frequently find expression in contradicting positions and declarations and in frequent upheavals in the government itself. To all these matters the writer of this treatise - Abed Al Nasser - gives faithful expression. In the name of the booklet itself, "The Philosophy of the Revolution", there is an element of contradiction as the writer himself admits, and who finds difficulty reconciling between his impressions as they come up in his booklet and his general world-view - which is based on philosophy. Indeed the Egyptian revolution has not yet reached a crystallization of its world view. The revolution itself stands as an accomplished fact, but its orientation and direction are still in question. The Israeli reader will find in this booklet a rare opportunity to be in the atmosphere of a young Arab military leader who learned - however - not a small lesson from the War of Independence with us. The position of Abed Al Nasser towards the problem of Eretz Israel expresses openly the inner feelings of this Arab leader. The reader would do well to delve further into the contents of this booklet; he will find it to be a key to understanding the events transpiring across the border which has not yet known peace [with us] for the past seven years." The translation includes footnotes added by the Israelis to explain certain concepts raised in the original text. Gibli himself was transferred from his position the following year as a result of the mishandling of "Operation Suzanna" (the "Lavon Affair"), in which Israeli agents provocateurs attacked American targets in Egypt in an attempt to discredit the Egyptian regime. One other notable characteristic of this booklet is that it came out immediately after the Egyptian edition that same year; the English edition came out in 1955. In overall good condition with a liquid stain on the pages and a small tear on the cover page. Nasser led the 1952 overthrow of the monarchy, and became the 2nd President of Egypt in 1954, after President Mohamed Naguib.