Lot #: 136245

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Menachem Begin (Herut, Likud) - Member of Knesset mail: stampless cover on "Member of Knesset" (Haver HaKnesset) imprinted postal stationary, sent locally in JERUSALEM to Dr. Gideon Almagor of the Geological Survey; tied by faint JERUSALEM-2 postage-paid machine cancel (Nacht #289/162) dated 7 Sept. (year unclear, c.mid 1970s to 1977) & manuscript endorsed by Begin using his surname below the Knesset imprint; slit open at top. Although the cover was sent on Knesset postal stationary, it was not tied by an official "Member of Knesset - Postage Free" handstamp, so evidently dispatched with postage prepaid - an unusual circumstance. The handwriting appears to be that of Begin himself. Begin became Prime Minister in 1977 and quit politics in 1983.