Israel - 25 Mils 1948 half-link error/variety, choice AU (UNC in principle but affected by corrosion on one part of the rim) with full luster, fully round grapes & most of the border beads round and intact (unlike most of the 1948 issue where portions are mashed); IMM-P1a. The photos don't capture the full beauty and shine of this coin. The religious-minded may be interested to note that the published circulation figure of this issue - the only Israeli coin issued in 1948, following the State's establishment - of 42,650 is significantly similar to the number of Jews said to have returned from the Babylonian exile following King Cyrus' edict (per Ezra, Chapter 42 verse 64) - 42,360, of over a million Jews in exile (a paltry figure, so low that there were not enough Kohanim and Levites to serve in the re-established 2nd Temple - a reason given for the period's ongoing observance of Tisha Be'Av). Food for thought.