Unusually handled mail: 23 April 1950 postmarked Independence Day First Day Cover on official illustrated postal stationary, sent from TEL AVIV to LONDON & franked 40 Pruta - either for the period airmail postage rate to Europe or for the period 30pr surface mail postage rate - using a 1950 Independence Day stamp on its first day of use, tied by a strike of the TEL AVIV-19 postmark; front-stamped 26 April TEL AVIV-8 transit (unusual - Israeli mail abroad is usually not transit-marked, especially ordinary not-registered mail; inverted Hebrew date slug). The cover was subsequently crayon marked "T" for postage dues tax, which was then rescinded with a checkmark by the same crayon & tied by a framed "POSTAGE PAID (FS)" handstamp of the 'Foreign Section' of the London General Post Office - evidentally the stamp was overlooked and the cover initially handled as postage-deficient mail, necessitating these corrective markings. Opened gently at back.