Israel era Mandate postmark tying Interim stamp - Rare combination: 1st day Israeli postal administration 16 May 1948 postmarked cover sent from GIVAT BRENNER to HAIFA, franked 10 mils per domestic base letter postage rate using interim stamp & tied by single strike of the reintroduced local Mandate postmark - a rare combination in this period; slit open at bottom. Interim stamps were tolerated for postage during the Israeli postal administration from 16-22 May inclusive; most towns resumed using the Mandate postal device until they received the Israeli trilingual postmark, mostly on 1 July: common postmark/frank combinations are the Israel trilingual tying Doar Ivri stamps, the trilingual tying interim stamps, or the reintroduced Mandate postmark tying Doar Ivri stamps - however the combination reintroduced Mandate postmarks tying interim stamps in this limited period is surprisingly rare.