WWII incoming airmail from Colombia: 11 OCT 1944 air mail cover from BOGOTA to tiny locale of Moshav GIVAT HEN "by RAANANA", franked 1.15 Peso + ½ cent Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs postal tax stamp & tied by 3x strikes of the local postmark. The cover was carried by local AVIANCA airlines to BARRANQUILLA and from there transferred to PANAM which carried it to its hub in MIAMI, where it was opened and sealed by censor 30785; carried in the period of the war by PanAm's FAM-22 route to Lagos and then either by Egyptian MISR airlines or British BOAC to Palestine. Backstamped 20 NOV RAANANA arrival-transit; slit open at top, small piece missing from base. Of note, an interesting and as yet unseen adhesed sorting label printed "Raanana" on the back, probably affixed upon arrival at Lydda airfield post office.