Unusual WWII wartime airmail from Palestine: 8 MARCH 1940 postmarked airmail cover, sent from HAIFA by an officer in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps to COLCHESTER (UK), endorsed "by air mail KLM" & franked 20m per the period 10g letter postage rate on that carrier - the cover was subsequently sanctioned for being shortpaid & stamped with "insufficiently prepaid for airmail" bilingual boxed instructional marking (Sach #L42) of the Haifa head post office.
The period postage was was indeed 20m per 10g (as of 12 Jan 1940), rising to 25m per 10g on 7 May; although the marking does not indicate the actual weight of the cover the apparent reason for the sanction was it being heavier than 10g - and so sent by surface mail. In any case the KLM postage was comparatively cheaper than British BOAC's as its air service was only to NAPLES Italy and then the rest of the route by surface transport.
The officer did not enjoy a postage free mail concession as the British Army was only entitled to this in theaters of war, and Palestine was not then deemed one. Of interest, the cover was uncensored and unendorsed by an officer. Slit open at top and right, resealed at right.